Have your say through MySay

MySay is a way for you to share your views and experience and help improve primary health care services in the ACT. Use MySay to join meaningful conversations and work with Capital Health Network to get Canberrans the right primary health care in the right place at the right time.

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Current Projects

This February we are interested in learning from others how to best support people in Canberra with Ovarian Cancer
Share your experience here
Some communities in the ACT now or in the future may not have enough GPs. This might be because there aren’t enough GPs or because the community’s healthcare needs are increasing. Take our anonymous survey to tell us about the quality and accessibility of your GP care in the ACT and help us to understand where GPs are needed most.

Closed Projects

This November we are interested in hearing your say on getting help for men's health. Now is a good time with Movember being held to raise money and awareness of men's health issues particularly mental health, suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer.
Read more
Capital Health Network, ACT’s Primary Health Network, would like to hear from stakeholders and health consumers in the ACT. Sharing your views and experiences will help us to understand the health and service needs of the ACT region.
What you said and how to stay involved